Maestrale Napoli’s approach to sustainable development is centered on humans and nature. We believe in purposeful and long-lasting pieces that embody tradition, quality and functionality without sacrificing aesthetics. The DNA of our product is deeply integrated with the life of our craftsmen who have been perfecting their skills for centuries. Our products are made to stand the test of time respecting our resources and leaving a positive mark all around us.
As a nascent brand we feel a great sense of responsibility and a sense of urgency to pave the way for more sustainable business practices. We aim at integrating circularity in every aspect of what we do.
Natural Materials
In a Maestrale Napoli glove, our artigiani honor natural materials while innovating to answer today’s needs. We believe that ensuring a sustainable and responsible use of the planet’s resources is more than a duty, it is a necessary calling. Sustainable sourcing, lean use of materials, and up cycling where possible are essential.
From our gloves to our packaging, our materials – leather, cashmere, organic cotton, hemp, plants and water ink – are all natural and biodegradable and can be re-used, recycled or even composted.
Sustainable leather
Our leather is sustainably sourced, coming from the hide of animals that are used for their meat or from animals that are regulated in accord with the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation
Additionally, we only use leather certified under the stringent rules of the European (REACH) certification which ensures the highest biodegradability possible. As we strive towards a zero-waste goal, we are currently working on a process to use leather and fabric scraps to create new accessories and products.